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All the Stock Market Updates

in an Entirely New Way


FINews is a stock news website. Predominantly it provides real-time stock exchange updates and news related to the stock market in the Gulf and Middle Eastern countries.
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When FINews contacted Deline Media for revamping their website they were facing numerous challenges such as infrequent website updates, low lead generation results, poor website health, and outdated design overall. Their primary challenge was to get rid of the existing website so they may avoid bounce rates in the future. Moreover, the website had limited support and ineffective CTA. They were frequently facing performance issues and slow page speed while playing videos.


Considering the requirements shared by FINews, our team of developers redesigned the whole website and incorporated the latest technology. As a result of large forex and stock data, we redesigned the application architecture for our client. In order to fix the situation where videos were not being played properly, our developers integrated the daily motion player, a famous corporate, and reliable platform used by the business community for streaming videos. Moreover, we also integrated the new website with the capital markets to assist the visitors seamlessly.

Development Process







The project leverages a robust technology stack to ensure efficient
performance and reliability.


FINews’s objective was to build a user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing website that would encourage greater traffic and sales. Deline Media was able to develop a user-friendly and responsive website for them which enabled their customers to explore the capital market and current forex rates fast enough.
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